Securities Arbitration in Austin, TX

Securities arbitration and litigation addresses disputes between investors, brokers, financial planners, banks, and other financial institutions. There are specific rules and regulations for the financial industry in the United States, and when a party acts outside of these boundaries he or she may be held accountable in criminal and civil court. If you are involved in a financial disagreement regarding securities, it may be in your best interest to seek arbitration or file a lawsuit to recover compensation.

Types of Disputes

A securities dispute can involve a number of different factors related to financial risk, investments, buying and selling actions, and more.
Some of the types of disputes typical of securities arbitration and litigation include:

  • Securities fraud
  • Unauthorized trading
  • Liability for losses
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Excess investment losses or large savings losses
  • Unsuitable investments
  • Churning to generate commission
  • Other breaches of securities law

Recovering Your Losses

When a broker, financial planner, salesman, or adviser takes advantage of an investor to perform illegal activity or to act in bad faith, he or she may be held liable for losses and damages. The investor may have legal grounds to file a lawsuit against the offending party, who may be ordered to pay financial compensation. If you suspect your adviser, planner, or other financial professional of unscrupulous activity, it may be in your best interest to initiate arbitration or litigation to resolve the matter.

For More Information

For the legal advice and assistance you need, contact the security arbitration lawyers of Burk Law Firm, P.C. today at 512-306-9828.