As of March 15, the IRS had processed nearly 71 million returns, with the average refund hovering near $3,100. The home office deduction is not allowed currently for expenses related to being a W-2 employee. [It’s] allowed only for self-employed individuals. One key requirement for the deduction is that a portion of the home needs […]
Business Litigation
Business litigation is the process of resolving disputes involving businesses through the court system. There are a vast range of issues that can lead to business litigation. Litigation can occur between two companies, an individual and a company, or even between individuals within the same company.
17 Security Practices to Protect Your Business’s Sensitive Information
How to protect your business’s sensitive information Cybersecurity starts at the top of the business. Your staff will be compelled to make cybersecurity a priority only if it’s important for the organization as a whole. To create an effective cybersecurity plan for your business, first you need to carry out a cyber risk assessment that […]
Laws That May Apply to Your Business
Staying up to date on the ever-changing rules and regulations that apply to businesses can be challenging. Small business owners are often acutely aware of the laws and regulations facing their businesses. However, these laws are constantly being updated, and with the constant demands of day-to-day business operation, it can be easy to overlook them. […]
Seven Essential Steps for Business Startups

7 essential steps for business startups Pick a business name and check availability Before you order stationary, signage, and other branding for your startup business, make sure the name you have chosen for your product or business will not conflict with an existing business. To do that you will need to perform a trademark search to […]