Business litigation law involves disputes arising out of business and commercial related transactions of a non-criminal nature.
What is a Whistleblower suit under the False Claims Act?
The False Claims Act (FCA) allows whistleblowers to bring lawsuits against companies and individuals who defraud the federal government. Suits under the FCA and similar laws in a number of states are known as “qui tam” actions.
What Constitutes a Whistleblower Lawsuit?
A Qui Tam lawsuit is a lawsuit brought by a whistleblower to enforce the federal False Claims Act or analogous state statutes, laws that impose civil liability on persons or companies who knowingly make or cause others to make false claims for the payment of government funds.
Key differences between C-Corps, S-Corps and non-corporate business structures have profound implications on taxes and business owner’s liability.
A corporation is a type of business entity created by filing Articles of Incorporation with the state. A corporation’s owners are known as shareholders, and a corporation also has officers and directors who run the business. As a legal entity, a corporation is considered separate from its shareholders, meaning shareholders aren’t personally responsible for debts […]
Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s)
Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s) straddle the border between the corporate model and the partnership model. LLCs can be taxed like a C-corp or an S-corp if so elected and owners (known as “members”) enjoy limited liability protection but are not bound to the same regulations and administrative requirements as a corporation. While LLCs are easier […]