How to Set the Legal Framework for Your New Business. Not having a legal framework could cause your company to stall just as it begins gaining momentum. By dealing with these processes from the start, you and your business will be sailing smoothly into the more exciting phases of your journey, without being fearful of avoidable […]
What are the Basic Legal Requirements for Starting a Small Business?
Business founders take on significant risks when starting a small business venture, but much of this risk can be mitigated by ensuring legal requirements to starting the business are taken care of as early as possible. An attorney can advise clients starting a new business on how to choose the right entity and tax election […]
As an Entrepreneur How Much Should You Pay Yourself
When considering different compensation amounts and timing, you must first consider the structure of your business. The IRS’s requirements for owner compensation are different for corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and LLCs, so you’ll need to first determine what your legal rights and obligations are. Depending on your business’s entity type and whether you’re taking a […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Starting a Business While Employed
Preexisting agreements with your employer could cause legal problems for your new business. If you’re considering starting a business while maintaining your current job, you may want to discuss your new business plans with an attorney. If you signed a Non-compete and/or Agreement that the Company owns any IP created during your employment or as […]
How to Start a Business
The legal requirements of running a business can seem a bit daunting, but with proper planning and the right legal guidance, they don’t have to be. Choosing the Right Entity, Tax Election, and Creating a Company Agreement will start your business properly and put in place protections and tax benefits for your business. An experienced […]